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Enjoy the latest PC Games And Softwares for free and get the Latest News on releasing Games and Softwares at MegaPcGamers. That's MegaPcGamers. Found a map but not sure what to do next? Check the how to play a Q3A map F.A.Q. Download notes Both download sites do not require a login, nor is there a queue. On the world map, you are allowed to see IC where your clanmates are, because you have all attuned your bracelets to each other. So long as they are “awake,” you can tell where they are. Notable locations on the map are marked by your character when you visit them. The bracelet tells you the “Name from the Ancients” of the location.

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This relatively small giant house map has lots of goodies to feast your eyes on and there are lots of power-ups to run after. The author uses many custom textures to decorate the arena as well as sounds to provide some simple but quality atmosphere. The construction is typical of the giant house genre and the lighting is okay through most of the map although there are many hiding places and small crevices some players let themselves get stuck under or behind. One of the teleporters does not work right and you will need to crouch to get unstuck. The item placement is okay given the nature of the map. Even though the Railgun has the potential to be an effective sniping weapon players will usually prefer to just beat up on each other in the center of the map with the Lightning Gun, Plasma Guns and Rocket Launchers that others drop. Health and armour items are not too far away from these cental fights. The bots play okay but are easy to demolish.

Gamer Home Office

The level is a nice treat for giant house lovers and may be worthwhile for some of the typical players.

World Of Gamers Homes

Reviewed by Pure Imaginary

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