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Content ِ Explore. Level 1: Basic Concepts and Terminology. Level 2: Pillars of Islam and Faith; Level 3: The framework of worship and practice in Islam. Level 4: Other topics related to comparative religion. Level 5: The family system in Islam. Level 6: Hereafter in Islam. View All; videos. What is the purpose of life; Sober up; Just the Tip.

  • The revolutionary role of Islam – II

    Historical revolution This expansion of the Islamic empire was not simply a political event. Its aim, in fact, was to set in motion a revolutionary process in history. This process had been initiated in Makkah itself, then it travelled from Makkah to Madeenah, to Damascus and Baghdad from where it entered Spain and thereafter it spread all over Europe.. More
  • The revolutionary role of Islam – I

    As a result of ignorance the evil known as the worship of natural phenomena was born in human society. Man attributed divinity to mere creatures. He began to worship all the things in the world, holding them to be gods. Owing to this intellectual aberration, idolatry became a rooted feature of human civilization. Not even the coming of thousands of.. More
  • Fasting on the last Wednesday of Safar

    Question: Please can you enlighten me on the importance of fasting and special Nawafil on the last Wednesday of Safar? Fatwa: All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger. It is not permissible.. More
  • Islam and essential needs

    Islam came to complete the previous Divine religions and faith on earth. In fact, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, (may Allah exalt his mention) completed the missions of the previous Prophets, may Allah exalt their mention. Allah’s Messenger, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “My example, and the example of the.. More
  • How Islam tackled the problem of slavery

    A few Western writers claim that Islam is based on slavery. Considering their bleak history of genocide and slave populations, one marvels at their audacity! They support their claim by referring to pre-Islamic Arabs who carried on the slave trade. In fact, they were among the few opportunists taking advantage of a system that had started long before.. More
  • Islam: The Religion of Mercy

    The Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, once kissed Al-Hassan ibn 'Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, while Al-Aqra' ibn Haabis was in his presence. So Al-Aqra', may Allah be pleased with him, said to him: 'Do you kiss your children? I swear by Allah, I have ten children but I have never kissed any one of them!' Thereupon, the Prophet,.. More
  • Equality in Islam

    One basic element in the value system of Islam is the principle of equality or equity. This value of equality is not to be mistaken for or confused with identicalness or stereotype. Islam teaches that in the sight of Allah Almighty, all people are equal, but they are not necessarily identical. There are differences of abilities, potentials, ambitions,.. More
  • Far-right politician converts to Islam, quits AfD party

    A leading politician from the Alternative for Germany (AfD) has converted to Islam and resigned from his position with the anti-Muslim party, the party has confirmed. Arthur Wagner, a leading member of the far-right party in Germany's eastern German state of Brandenburg, stepped down for 'personal reasons', a party spokesperson confirmed,.. More
  • Maryam (Mary), Mother of Jesus

    This is an article about Maryam, the mother of ‘Eesa (Jesus), may Allah exalt their mention, whom Allah has chosen from among the women of the entire world. Many Islamic texts from the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, praised her, honored her, and glorified her. It is an obligation on us to defend her and clarify.. More
  • The Relationship between Religion and Science

    Areas of knowledge are represented in the two worlds of the seen and the unseen, or the physical world and the metaphysical world. Man uses all the available tools and methods in his search for knowledge, including innovations and devices which expand the scope of his senses' perception. It is unquestionably known that senses have limited capabilities... More
  • The articles of faith

    There are six pillars of Faith in Islam: 1. Belief in Allah (God), 2. Belief in His Angels, 3. Belief in His Books, 4. Belief in His Messengers, 5. Belief in the Last Day, and: 6. Belief in the Divine Preordainment and Divine Decree (Qadhaa' and Qadr). 1- Belief in Allah: This article means to believe that Allah is the One God, to whom worship.. More
  • Goals of Islam

    A - Worshipping Allah Alone: This is the reason for which Allah created all that exists: Angels, Jinn, mankind, heavens, earth and animals etc. Allah created everything only to worship Him Alone. He Said, (what means): 'Do you not see that to Allah prostrates whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth and the sun, the moon, the stars,.. More
  • Atoms that Come Alive

    Atoms are the building blocks of both animate organisms as well as inanimate objects. Since atoms are inanimate particles, it evokes extreme astonishment that they are the building blocks of living beings. This is an issue evolutionists can never explain. Just as it is impossible to imagine pieces of stone coming together to form living organisms,.. More
  • The Expansion of the Universe in the Quran

    In 1929, in the California Mount Wilson observatory, an American astronomer by the name of Edwin Hubble made one of the greatest discoveries in the history of astronomy. While he observed the stars with a giant telescope, he found out that the light from them was shifted to the red end of the spectrum and that this shift was more pronounced the further.. More
  • The universal Da’wah of Islam

    The Da’wah of the Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, was not restricted to a particular time or place; rather, it was a universal Da’wah; one to last until the end of time. There is much evidence to substantiate this and some wonderful examples can be found in the Quran. Allah clarifies the timeless prophetic role of Muhammad,.. More

Some 1,000 girls are forced to convert to Islam in Pakistan each year, according to a report Monday from the Associated Press (AP).

The forced conversions often take place as a prelude to non-consensual marriages and frequently involve underage girls, AP stated, a practice that has only increased during the long months of coronavirus lockdowns.

And not just any porn movie, but a very interesting one at that. Shararaa is a porn star and a hardcore Muslim Porn Star too. In order to perform as a porn star in Pakistan, you have to be very religious. This is because the Porn industry in Pakistan is banned and viewed in a very strict Islamic Conscience. Welcome to Islam Track, a website where ought to bring you all the Islamic content, at one place. No signup or login is required. requires no membership or payment of any sort, thus you will be getting Islamic content completely free. Islamic Books, Clothing for Brothers and Sisters (Abaya, Hijab, Jilbab, Thob, Kufi), Prayer Rugs, Attar & Body Oils, Incense, Black Seed, Soaps, Khuff, Henna.

“Forced conversions thrive unchecked on a money-making web that involves Islamic clerics who solemnize the marriages, magistrates who legalize the unions and corrupt local police who aid the culprits by refusing to investigate or sabotaging investigations,” AP declared, citing child protection activists.

These conversions and forced marriages are often sanctioned by state authorities, making it particularly difficult to help the victims.

As Breitbart News reported, during the coronavirus lockdown last April, a Muslim man called Mohamad Nakash kidnapped a 14-year-old Christian girl named Maira Shahbaz at gunpoint, gang-raped her with two other accomplices, blackmailed her, and forced her to convert to Islam.

In August, a Pakistani court ruled that Maira had “voluntarily” converted to Islam and therefore is legally married to Mr. Nakash.

Two weeks after the court ruling, Maira escaped from Nakash’s house and informed police of the ongoing abuse she had suffered at his hands. In response, Nakash made death threats against her, accusing her of apostasy, as well as threatening to release videotape of her being gang raped.

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In Pakistan, marrying girls under the age of 16 is technically illegal, but activists insist that the Child Marriage Restraint Act is not seriously enforced and Islamic sharia often prevails instead, which allows girls to be married off once they experience their first menstrual cycle.

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The United Nations rates Pakistan as one of the worst countries in the world for child brides, with some 3 percent of girls wedded before the age of 15.

In its recent designation of Pakistan as “a country of particular concern” for violations of religious freedoms, the U.S. State Department cited an assessment by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) that underage girls in the minority Hindu, Christian, and Sikh communities were “kidnapped for forced conversion to Islam… forcibly married and subjected to rape.”


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In its report, AP said that the girls are often abducted by complicit acquaintances and relatives or “men looking for brides.”

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According to one activist, the underage marriage market targets on non-Muslim girls because they are the most vulnerable and the easiest targets.

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