Imagerydialectical Behavioral Training


When you book a training through Behavior Doctor Seminars, we send you a link to download free copies of our booklets for the training. To keep our costs low, we ask the institution bringing us in to provide printed copies for the participants or to share the link with all participants so they can print their own. Members who completed BTECH/UW BRTC training: Alexandra Morris, PsyD, NJ Lic #5346, NY Lic #020697, PA Lic #PS017592 attended DBT Intensive Training Primary Contact: Alexandra Morris, Psy.D.; Kelly Zbojovsky, Ph.D. Training for healthcare professionals: Throughout 2020, we continued to present (virtually) on the subject of behavioral diabetes across the country and around the world at major scientific meetings, at key medical centers, and at all national TCOYD events.

The Academy’s Professional Certification Training Program is designed for health care professionals, coaches, and educators who wish to most effectively utilize the power of imagination to enhance optimal health, healing, and growth.

Many people spend a great deal of time in their imagination, mostly by worrying. Few realize that what they worry about is happening only in their imagination, not in the real world. Yet, they poison the present moment by regretting the past (which they can’t repeat) or by fearing the future (which is a total fantasy since it hasn’t happened yet.)
What many also fail to appreciate is the fact that imagery has physiological consequences. If you vividly think about how sour it tastes when biting on the slice of a juicy, yellow lemon, you’ll soon begin to salivate. Even thought the lemon is not real, your body generates real saliva in response to the thought. If people can actually worry themselves sick, why can’t they think themselves well and experience extraordinary positive benefits as a result.
The Academy’s Professional Certification training program will teach you how to use Interactive Guided Imagerysm to greatly enhance health and healing, relieve pain and other symptoms, overcome addictions, resolve inner conflicts, meet and work with an Inner Advisor, tame an Inner Critic, enhance creativity, deal more effectively with chronic illness, death, and dying, and explore a sense of life purpose for yourself and others.

Make Your Practice More Efficient and Effective

After receiving Academy training in how best to use Interactive Guided Imagerysm, therapists, coaches, and counselors have discovered new ways to empower, educate, and introduce clients to their own inner wisdom and decision-making abilities through this work. Psychologists, physicians, nurses, and other health professionals report that they can now engage their patients in dedicated self-care in a way they had never been able to do before, and coaches are able to motivate their clients when all else has failed.
The unique interactive guiding style that the Academy has developed and refined avoids the manipulation and transference issues that concern many contemporary therapists who are interested in hypnosis and other suggestive mind/body techniques. Interactive Guided Imagery
smteaches clients how to decipher the important meaning of their own internal imagery and how to dialogue with it in a meaningful and powerful way that optimizes the body’s remarkable healing abilities.
Teaching clients to use their own imagination in this interactive way results in a shorter but more effective overall treatment time without sacrificing the depth and emotion so central to therapeutic growth.
Since imagery is the dominant natural language of the unconscious, the clinical applications of imagery for unresolved psychological issues are boundless. We invite you to review the information on this website to see how Interactive Guided Imagery
smaddresses most of the major issues confronted in clinical practice and how it can significantly add to your professional and personal satisfaction and success.
A unique combination of convenient home-study modules along with 52 hours of small group supervised workshops assures thorough training with a high level of specific relevance to your practice.
The home-study portions of the program are presented in a self-paced environment using audio, video and reading materials. Practice exercises, self-exams, and demonstrations are an essential part of this learning process.
The on-site “live”
Preceptorship portions of the program offer the unique opportunity to practice and enhance your imagery skills under the supportive guidance and experienced direction of our clinical faculty.

Experience The Joy of Inner Discovery With Your Clients
Enrolling in Professional Certification Training in Interactive Guided Imagerysm(IGIsm) is the best way to master this leading edge method for using the power of the mind to stimulate healing, personal growth and creativity.
Certification training is an uplifting, personally meaningful educational experience that provides graduates with a unique way to prepare people for surgery or other stress-related experiences and to treat people with stress-related symptoms, chronic pain, trauma, physical and life-threatening illnesses, addictions, anxiety, depression, and a host of other medical and psychological challenges.
Through the use of Interactive Guided Imagery
sm, clients who have felt hopeless and powerless learn to connect deeply with their inner thoughts, feelings, history and wisdom, and become inspired to take the steps needed to move out of their suffering and confront their challenges head=on.
This level of healing can often affect their physical well-being. Sometimes physical, emotional, and/or spiritual healing is complete, and sometimes it is not. In nearly all cases, however, this type of inner work consistently results in happier and more positive life experiences for those who engage the process.
The thousands of health professionals who have taken AGI courses over the last 30+ years tell us that this work rekindles the joy they feel in helping people become their best selves. For testimonials,
click here.

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Therapeutic Imagery Training – An Introduction to Therapeutic Imagery


Great men are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force, that thoughts rule the world.

Imagerydialectical Behavioral Training

Whatever we give our attention to, we attract. 'Where thoughts go, energy flows.' Therefore, the more deliberate we are in choosing our thoughts, the more we are able to focus our experiences in desired directions. Like attracts like, form follows idea and what preoccupies our thoughts tends to become our reality. Goal oriented creative imagery is a way of focusing one's mind to get what one wants out of life, be it health, happiness or prosperity.

Most people live, whether physically, intellectually or morally, in a very restricted circle of their potential being. They make use of a very small portion of their possible consciousness, and of their soul's resources in general, much like a man who, out of his whole bodily organism, should get into a habit of using and moving only his little finger. Great emergencies and crises show us how much greater our vital resources are than we had supposed.
William James

The American Hypnosis Association Presents

Therapeutic Imagery professional training and certification programs leading to qualification as a Certified Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator and a Certified Master of Therapeutic Imagery.

Mission of Therapeutic Imagery Training

To train professionals in facilitating client access to the creative resources of their subconscious mind; to provide those professionals with imagery tools for use in assisting clients in the fulfillment of their lifetime potential; and to provide instruction in developing the mind/body connection for healing.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Pdf

Result of Therapeutic Imagery Training

Certified Therapeutic Imagery Facilitators with the ability to guide their clients to access the inherent healing and growth potential of their physical, mental and emotional capabilities; and Facilitators who encourage and empower their clients to take an active role in the healing and growth process, stimulating the mind/body connection by developing proficiency in Therapeutic Imagery.

Welcome to the fascinating journey of helping your clients to understand and unlock the power of their own subconscious imagery! Learning a variety of Therapeutic Imagery tools, you will be able to help clients in their discovery process as they gain insight, direction, and empowerment from their imagery journeys. As a facilitator, you will learn to encourage your clients to take an active role in their healing and growth process, stimulating the mind/body connection by developing proficiency in imagery. The Therapeutic Imagery approach acknowledges the client's desire for self-direction. The meaning of the client's own personal imagery is honored and expanded. This acceptance helps clients move into confident independence. With Therapeutic Imagery Certification skills, you will facilitate clients to image their way to success as they positively move forward in life.

In this hands-on course you will learn by experiencing imagery journeys yourself, by working with others, and by demonstrations. You will find out the uses of imagery for pain control, stress reduction and healing, and a variety of general emotional well-being and success issues. Along the way and on track for the Imagery Master Certification, you will learn how and when to use and apply FreeStyle Imagery, Guided and Semi-Guided Imagery, Metaphysical Imagery, Mythic and Archetypal Imagery, and Transformational Imagery.

In grateful appreciation to the American Hypnosis Association for making this program possible, I look forward to a journey with you as we discover together the realm of infinite possibilities through subconscious imagery!

Cheryl O'Neil, C.Ht.

How does the Therapeutic Imagery Training Program Work?

Please browse through the following imagery days. Each module of the program is described. The first certification weekend stands alone. It is a prerequisite to take the Advanced Workshop. The next three workshops (Mythic and Archetypal, Life Passages, Metaphysical) are open to anyone. All modules are prerequisites to enter into the Master Certification program.

The Therapeutic Imagery Training Courses are currently being held Live on Zoom.

AHA Events Live on Zoom
Comments from Event Attendees

NLP Practitioner Certification Training - Weekend 4/5 - Live on Zoom
2021-01-18 at 00:28 Pacific Time

I found the information very informative. My goal is to be a better practitioner in my future endeavors.
B. M. from Cincinnati, Ohio

NLP Practitioner Certification Training - Weekend 4/5 - Live on Zoom
2021-01-17 at 20:06 Pacific Time

This training is so insightful and amazing, I am learning so much! Joe is a phenomenal instructor and I am both excited and honored to be in his class. He really gets and practices what he teaches and is 100% all in when helping us to learn these concepts and techniques. Thank you!
R. S. from Thornton, New Hampshire

NLP Practitioner Certification Training - Weekend 4/5 - Live on Zoom
2021-01-17 at 19:22 Pacific Time

This was a great weekend. I'm really excited for more practice of the techniques we learned. Everything really made sense. All the demonstrations were great, and one of them was incredibly powerful.
K. K. from Bloomington, Indiana

NLP Practitioner Certification Training - Weekend 4/5 - Live on Zoom
2021-01-17 at 18:57 Pacific Time

Amazing and useful information. Joe goes above and beyond in his deliverance!
I. L. from Los Angeles, California

NLP Practitioner Certification Training - Weekend 4/5 - Live on Zoom
2021-01-17 at 18:18 Pacific Time

Very powerful intervention!
G. D. from Fort Washington, Maryland

Pre and Post Surgery Hypnosis - Certification Course - Live on Zoom
2021-01-17 at 00:06 Pacific Time

Lisa is the best at communicating ideas and concepts. The subject was quite interesting and may be useful in my practice one day.
J. K. from San Diego, California

Pre and Post Surgery Hypnosis - Certification Course - Live on Zoom
2021-01-16 at 18:08 Pacific Time

Loved these presentations - especially the video with Reed. The part where he finishes his hypno crystal beading said he was done was interesting and intuitively read by the hypnotherapist. I enjoy how much she talks with the client and plays tennis. I am a player too!
J. T. from Missoula, Montana

Pre and Post Surgery Hypnosis - Certification Course - Live on Zoom
2021-01-16 at 14:44 Pacific Time

I loved this class as for me there is direct and immediate application!
R. R. from Malibu, California

Pre and Post Surgery Hypnosis - Certification Course - Live on Zoom
2021-01-16 at 13:04 Pacific Time


Thank you for the great lecture.
T. T. from Chicago, Illinois

Imagerydialectical Behavioral Training

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-16 at 11:39 Pacific Time

Thank you for this motivating and inspiring morning! I feel equipped to organize myself to take on 2021!
M. E. from San Clemente, California

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-14 at 21:06 Pacific Time

jumpSTART was excellent! I feel very ready for the new year.
A. P. from Russellville, Alabama

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-14 at 15:49 Pacific Time

Great course! Lots of great scripts to use with self and clients. Cheryl is always a joy to learn form.
L. M. from Pacific Grove, California

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-13 at 18:15 Pacific Time

Always great to have Cheryl take us beyond where we knew we were capable.
N. B. from Los Angeles, California

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-12 at 17:07 Pacific Time

Great way to start 2021! Lots of golden nuggets in this course.
C. G. from Marina del Rey, California

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-11 at 17:24 Pacific Time

This was a fabulous class! The workbook is amazing. Thank you Cheryl!
C. H. from Naples, Florida

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-11 at 16:47 Pacific Time

I enjoyed the learnings of scripts to use for goal accomplishment in addition to how Cheryl teaches. She's an amazing instructor and I love the hip Yes's!
R. S. from Watertown, South Dakota

Imagerydialectical Behavioral Training

Therapeutic Imagery Training - Metaphysical Imagery - Live on Zoom
2021-01-11 at 16:12 Pacific Time

This was one of my favorite Imagery seminars, I cannot say that enough! Cheryl is an essential guide through the supranormal theories. I cannot wait to share these Imagery techniques with my clients!
C. N. from Palmdale, California

Therapeutic Imagery Training - Imagery for Life Passages - Live on Zoom
2021-01-11 at 15:43 Pacific Time

This seminar came at around the time that I had experienced thE loss of a few loves ones. Cheryl not only is a mentor to me but she always stands as a true beacon of light to guides us home. I'm confident in that I have the tools for myself and others to navigate through loss, grief, and pain. Thank you for this beautiful Imagery weekend that I will never forget!
C. N. from Palmdale, California

Hypnosis and Pain Management - Certification Course - Live on Zoom
2021-01-11 at 14:20 Pacific Time

It was very interesting and pertinent to many potential clients.
C. S. from Riverside, California

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-11 at 11:22 Pacific Time

This was an amazing presentation. I've learned so much. Thank you Cheryl.
G. B. from Manhattan Beach, California

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-11 at 02:32 Pacific Time

This was an amazing way to start the new year. jumpSTART is fun and full of wonderful goal setting ideas, amazing journeys and really pumps you up. Loved it!
L. C. from Hurlock, Maryland

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-10 at 12:28 Pacific Time

Cheryl did a great job covering the material. Lots of information to go over and implement.
E. P. from Social Circle, Georgia

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-10 at 11:09 Pacific Time

I enjoyed this very much! Thank you.
J. M. from Las Vegas, Nevada

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-10 at 10:01 Pacific Time

I enjoyed the energy that this class exuded. Of course, Cheryl is a power company personified. Happy New Year!
E. B. from Frisco, Colorado

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-10 at 02:07 Pacific Time

Excellent class! I think the workbook will be used regularly too.
J. K. from San Diego, California

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 21:59 Pacific Time

Plenty of good, solid, doable guidance for goal setting. Great way to launch the new year. Looking forward to the MP3s as well.
I. E. from Encino, California

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 21:09 Pacific Time

Fantastic class! A must take for all students! So many priceless tools for our success and helping clients to achieve success as well!
L. T. from Westchester, California

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 20:01 Pacific Time

What a wonderful way to start the year. Thank you Cheryl for putting together such a positive approach to introspection and goal setting. It was wonderful to use hypnosis to emphasize and reinforce the visions and inspiration. The workbook is so rich and I cannot wait to use it on myself and clients. Thank you.
N. N. from Topanga, California

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 19:46 Pacific Time

I absolutely loved the class! Perfect for the beginning of year. I would like to do these exercises with my clients.
M. S. from Kita-ku, Tokyo

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 19:42 Pacific Time

Nice see all the people today.
L. D. from Santa Rosa Valley, California

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 19:36 Pacific Time

Another awesome jumpSTART! So grateful to be able to support Cheryl and all the students and graduates.
D. R. from Woodland Hills, California

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 18:48 Pacific Time

I absolutely loved this lesson with Cheryl. The nano we did as a class helped me see how Imagery can work with clients and that it can be developed if a person has a difficult time imaging/visualizing.
K. M. from Santa Clarita, California

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 18:10 Pacific Time

Such an inspiring and motivating class, both for ourselves and our clients. As always with Cheryl's information sharing, there is a lot to process and become familiar with, but it's all there in the workbook, and the MP3s are also a huge bonus. Thank you always Cheryl!
A. G. from La Canada Flintridge, California

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 17:33 Pacific Time

So much good content and scripts to work from. We didn't really go over the questions in detail for the quiz but I still enjoyed the workshop.
N. D. from Roseville, California

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 17:29 Pacific Time

Really great instructor, always enjoy her style. Very excited to put this information to use for 2021! Thank you.
J. T. from Missoula, Montana

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 17:15 Pacific Time

This was a great class. Loved all the Imagery and the energy in the group. Felt a little rushed and could have been slightly longer, but was well worth it!
M. M. from Redford, Michigan

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 17:15 Pacific Time

I enjoyed the nano-imagery very much. I found that there were a few concepts with which I was not familiar perhaps because I'm a new student.
V. B. from Quakertown, Pennsylvania

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 17:13 Pacific Time

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Training

Such an impactful class! Ready to get going and work toward my goals. Thank you so much!
J. G. from Honolulu, Hawaii

Imagerydialectical Behavioral Training Classes

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 17:09 Pacific Time

This was an exceptionally fun class to attend. I feel a sense of accomplishment in having started my 2021 plan and it's actually on a working document and not just in my head.
J. S. from Dexter, New York

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 17:05 Pacific Time

I appreciate your jumpSTART to this year of amazing health!
J. P. from Lynwood, California

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 17:04 Pacific Time

This was a wonderful start to 2021 Cheryl! Thanks again to you and HMI for putting this on. Have a great year!
J. B. from Los Angeles, California

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 17:04 Pacific Time

Today's jumpSTART Jamboree helped me set specific and powerful goals that I absolutely believe can be achieved. Cheryl O'Neil has a gift for taking vague ideas about success and turning them into practicable, inspiring action steps. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
V. G. from Los Angeles, California

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 17:04 Pacific Time

Love this jumpSTART with Cheryl! Thank you for starting 2021 with truth and positivity!
T. M. from Oak Park, California

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 17:04 Pacific Time

I always get incredible value from every jumpSTART Jamboree I attend. The workbook is a fantastic resource all year long, and Cheryl is wonderfully inspiring. This class never fails to remind me of important tools I've forgotten and gives me new tools to help my clients and myself.
K. M. from Los Angeles, California

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 17:04 Pacific Time

Wow! What a packed class. So much information and useful material. Cheryl's delivery was insightful and engaging. Thank you.
S. D. from Los Angeles, California

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 17:03 Pacific Time

Always love class with Cheryl. Her enthusiasm is contagious and it helps make the class a lot of fun.
J. F. from West Hollywood, California

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 17:02 Pacific Time

Very helpful and interesting. Love everything that Cheryl O'Neil does.
B. S. from Oak Park, California

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 17:02 Pacific Time

That was a fun class, I love her style.
S. I. from Lancaster, California

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 16:59 Pacific Time

This workshop was awesome! Great way to start the year!
M. S. from Austin, Texas

jumpSTART 2021! - Live on Zoom
2021-01-09 at 16:59 Pacific Time

Can I study again and take this test again. So much to unpack. A wonderful self reflective class. Awesome tools to assist clients with. Amazing growth information.
L. A. from Burbank, California

Comments are closed.