Make Money With Public Domain Content

Royalty free stock photos. All pictures are free for commercial and personal use. With that being said, there's also big companies like Walmart that are also trying to earn money off art in the public domain. Similarly, the Museum of Modern Art is selling 'Red Canna' by Georgia O'Keeffe, which is now in the public domain, for $166.50 (on sale from $185). Millions of people are accessing products from the public domain to make money from them. This can be done 100% legally and you can be doing the same. People use them for information for their websites, blogs or even to create products to sell. So, how do you actually make money with public domain works? Well, here are a few ideas that I have read about. Use public domain pictures to create and sell mugs, t-shirts, posters, stationary, and other items This is an idea I read about on a forum right here – (not sure if his $5,000/week income he mentions is realistic, but whatever).

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More Public Domain goldmines for you! (+ see our exclusive free bonus below!!)

When we released our groundbreaking course “Public Domain Fast Cash” in Oct 2019 it was a smashing success! People loved that course which showed 5 cash earning business models for generating online income selling products you can get for free (in the public domain).

Now leave it to marketing expert Amy Harrop to come up with tons more ways you can make huge profits off of free public domain content in her course package PD GOLDMINE.

Amy always over-delivers and her current relaunch of PD GOLDMINE is no exception…and yes, it is different!

If you MISSED OUT on getting PD GOLDMINE when it was released, YOU’RE IN LUCK!

Amy has relaunched this excellent course and you STILL GET our FREE exclusive bonus! SEE BELOW.

OK Here’s the scoop…

Whereas Public Domain Fast Cash concentrates on using and selling PD “images”, Amy blows open all the stops showing how you can also repurpose…

Make Money With Public Domain Content Must

  • Public Domain books (without violating Amazon’s TOS),
  • Public Domain videos
  • Public Domain sheet music
  • Public Domain audio files
  • and more!

She supplies additional “simple to do” high profit business models too!

  • Creating Tutorials with Public Domain Content (this alone is worth picking up the course for!)
  • Creating Educational Materials with Public Domain Content (and where to sell these digital downloads – not just Etsy!)
  • Publishing Books with Public Domain Content (again without violating Amazon’s rules!)
  • Creating Presentations with Public Domain Content
  • Creating Infographics with Public Domain Content
  • Creating Videos with Public Domain Content (Think Udemy, Teachable, Vimeo, not just YouTube)
  • And more.

If you picked up “Public Domain Fast Cash”, PD GOLDMINE is the perfect companion course as it will really open up your profit options!

If you didn’t pick up “Public Domain Fast Cash”, PD GOLDMINE is also a perfect ‘stand alone’ course too!

And as if that wasn’t enough,

Amy also reveals tons of additional websites where you can get even more valuable public domain content free! (content people will pay you for!).

Amy’s PD GOLDMINE includes:

  • A detailed 68 page guide (very exciting, well organized and with terrific info)
  • Supplementary videos (high quality vids with easy to follow, step by step info!)
  • Handy checklists & worksheet (Not the usual ‘fluff stuff’ but very useful sheets for speeding things up and staying organized)

Whether you’re doing

  • Self-publishing
  • Digital products
  • Print on demand products
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Etsy selling

Or just need content…

Priced super low at less than $30 PD GOLDMINE is a perfect package to add to your PD resource arsenal!

You can get FULL DETAILS here.

Do it now! Seriously!

Wait!! I haven’t told you the best part!!

When you pick up Amy’s course today, I have something very special for you! Bart and I created a special exclusive bonus you’ll love!

When you pick up Amy’s course through this post, you get an exclusive bonus report created by myself and Bart Hennin titled:

“How to Make Money Giving Away FREE Public Domain Tutorials!”

Amy shows you how to make money making paid PD tutorials… but our guide goes one step further and shows you how to make money creating free PD tutorials!!

You find a PD book on… Oh, let’s say “How to Make Your Own Fishing Lures”.

The info is free… It’s a book in the public domain you found in just 30 seconds…

You repurpose it into your own free tutorial…and make cash profits!!

Don’t get me wrong… Amy’s method (one of the methods she reveals in her PD GOLDMINE) for creating paid public domain tutorials is terrific and you can do that too! But with our method in our bonus guide, we show you how to also make money with free PD tutorials so you can get started faster and more easily!

Also, with our method, you are giving away your tutorials free (and yes, still making money) so you can create more (shorter) tutorials faster!


In this guide, we show you much more!!

We disclose our special Google hacks for finding valuable info-packed PD books, videos and more (in under 30 seconds!) that are otherwise unfindable!

We also include multiple examples of money-making products you can flip for big profits even with no website.

We even show you exactly where to post your tutorials free for maximum impact!

This guide alone is worth more than the tiny price of Amy’s course!

PD Goldmine FAQ’S;

Is there a guarantee?
YES, but once you see the quality of this course, you won’t need it!

Is there support?
Amy is always happy to answer questions and help people out. She genuinely wants you to succeed!

Any upsells?

There are three totally optional upgrades. You don’t need these upgrades as Amy’s main course contains all you need to succeed! However, if you have the budget, I would pick up at least the 1st upgrade (described below).

Public Domain Content Images

Upgrade 1 (Just $27) is a series of high quality “templates” you can edit and customize in PowerPoint. Terrific for making infographics, slide presentations, or slides for videos, etc.
But there is much more to this upgrade than just templates!… Amy also gives you a series of “cheat sheet” PDFs that show you how to repurpose content and she includes excellent checklists too. In other words, you find terrific content and remake it into your own.
This is a smart way to create content (books, videos, email content, etc.) as it saves you tons of time and effort!


Upgrade 2 ($27) This is a video course titled “Content Creation Quickstart”. It shows you how to create sellable “info” products but it is very basic (although comprehensive). Amy doesn’t do the videos here… This is a course by Paul Counts that Amy bought the resell rights to. The course includes how to identify a good niche, how to get a sales site set up, how to recruit affiliates and more. It consists of 17 “modules” totaling over 70 videos (each video is anywhere from 12 to 40 min long).
The PLUSES of this upgrade are it’s loaded with some great ideas for finding and identifying terrific niches and it shows you ways you can relatively quickly turn info you find online into salable products. The MINUSES are 1) the videos are on the long side…I wish there was a written version of the course material… 2) It’s geared for the complete beginner… There’s not a lot of “depth” to the topics covered but if you know “zero” about how to create and sell an info product online (AND want to do this), you’ll find some terrific info here for just $27 spent.

Upgrade 3 ($47) This is online software called Videlligence that lets you convert any product or content page or item into a high-converting video automatically – Three clicks (literally) to create stunning product showcase videos (includes a large selection of royalty free music to accompany the videos as they play).
This is good if you need to create a lot of product showcase videos with music but be aware you can’t add ‘narration’ to these vids.
I’d rather just do my own videos with narration but if you see a use for this for what you are doing, the software is simple to use and works well.

Make Money With Public Domain Content Information

Amy’s new PD GOLDMINE is a perfect package to add to your PD resource arsenal!

AND, when you pick up Amy’s course today, you get my and Bart’s free exclusive bonus“How to Make Money Giving Away FREE Public Domain Tutorials!”

>Click here now to find out more!<

Make Money With Public Domain Content Search

Sincerely yours,

Make Money With Public Domain Content Examples

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