Isometric Workout Pdf

EXERCISES Many of these exercises can be done on the floor, on a sturdy table or counter, or on a firm bed. Do each exercise times a day. Repeat each exercise times. Hold each position for seconds. ︎︎︎︎HIP FLEXION / EXTENSION ISOMETRIC HOLDS o. Shoulder Isometric Strengthening Program. Isometric Shoulder Flexion at Wall. Begin in a standing upright position with. Your elbow bent 90 degrees, and a small towel between your fist and a wall. Push your arm directly into the wall, then. Relax and repeat. Make sure to keep your back straight during the exercise. Bruce Lee Isometrics Training Workout. What is isometrics? Isometric training involves performing a movement against an immovable force. This builds immense strength because the targeted muscles are in a state of constant contraction for the 6-12 second duration of the resistance exercise. Isometric Calf Raises. Strong calves are key for efficient and pain-free running.

Older adults shouldn’t think of exercise as risky. On the contrary, regular exercise is the key to preserving your health. The trick is finding low-impact workouts that keep you strong–without triggering previous injuries or causing more.

Keeping up with your workouts won’t just improve your strength, balance and confidence, it’ll also lower your blood pressure, manage high cholesterol, decrease symptoms of chronic conditions, and even reduce the risk of hip fractures.

That’s why on National Senior Health and Fitness Day, we’re featuring exercises from our newest collection of isometrics for seniors. These exercises are based on our Fancy Footwork routine on the Activ5 Training App, and they’re designed to protect critical areas like lower back and joints.


Try them out for some amazing, feel-good fitness.

Trunk Rotation

Improve your posture and protect your spinal column with this nice, stretching trunk rotation.

  • With your right palm, hold the Activ5 against the front of your left shoulder
  • Keep your left arm relaxed by your side
  • Keeping your back straight and both hips square, slightly rotate your torso to the right
  • At the same time, press the Activ5
  • Repeat on the opposite side

Lat Pull

Overhead lat exercises can add unnecessary strain on your neck, so opt for this lat pull that can be done from a sitting position.

  • From a sitting position, place the Activ5 in your right palm and straighten your right arm downwards by your side
  • Place the Activ5, with your palm, against a flat surface behind you
  • Press the Activ5 by squeezing your lat and tricep muscles
  • Repeat for the other side


People who have spent years sitting at a desk tend to have chronically tight chests and weak muscles in the neck. It’s better to avoid moves that further tighten these muscles, so this row is absolutely perfect for stretching and strengthening those areas.

  • Place the Activ5 between the back of your right elbow and the back of a chair or wall
  • Keep your elbow bent 90°
  • Squeeze your back muscles as you push your elbow back into the Activ5
  • Repeat for the other side

Chair Pose

Did you know that regular exercise can improve bone density, reducing the risk of developing osteoporosis and fractures? With this full-body exercise, you can build bone and muscle strength using only your body weight.

  • Place the Activ5 between both knees
  • Extend both arms in front of you
  • Squat down like you’re sitting in a chair
  • Press the Activ5 as you squeeze your thigh muscles

Standing Zen Chest Press

Need a chest press that creates a more stable upper torso and stretches your upper-body muscles? This standing Zen Chest Press is a softer take on the intense exercise.

  • Hold the Activ5 between both hands in a prayer position
  • Stick your elbows out
  • Make sure your palms are just about eye level
  • Press the Activ5 with both palms by squeezing your chest muscles
  • Keep your feet firmly planted on the ground


Shoulders feel weary and sore? This version of the Woodchop is powerful without straining your joints.

  • From a seated position, hold the Activ5 between both palms
  • Arms extended, place your hands outside your right knee
  • Squeeze the Activ5 as you engage your core
  • Repeat with the other side

Of course, the best way you can tell that a workout is right for you, is by consulting with a medical professional. They’ll be able to tell you what moves are the safest depending on your strengths and medical history. Just remember that what you’ve read should not be used as medical advice, and if you’re trying something that doesn’t feel right–stop immediately.

Isometric Workout Pdf

Want the full workout? Download the Activ5 Training App for Android or iOS, go to our workout menu, and click on the ‘Stay Strong’ section. Then, tap on the ‘Fancy Footwork’ routine. You can find more isometric exercises for seniors and other personalized exercises that work for all skill levels.

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