Home Work Commitmentdialectical Behavioral Training

Homework is an important component of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and other evidence-based treatments for psychological symptoms. Developed collaboratively during therapy sessions, homework.


  • Learning Centers. Select a link below to access a Learning Center with program specific course offerings and registration information. Note: The Training Learning Centers are unavailable for system maintenance from 7:00 a.m.
  • Transgressions that are ignored tend to snow ball resulting in one bad apple spreading rot to others – or – cause good employees to seek work elsewhere. Employee behavior can make or break your organization’s success, so for something so essential, you want to ensure everyone is on the same page.
  • Youth Mental Health First Aid. Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis.

The information is from a recent training titled Community Based Workforce COVID-19 training. This was a joint effort from the Department of Health and the Department of Social and Health Services and also includes a brief video on COVID-19. The training included:

  • Part 1: Social and Health Supports During COVID-19
    • Basics of COVID-19
    • Prescreening for a visit
    • Helping people make a plan and access resources
    • Responding to stigma in the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Part 2: Physically Distanced Still Socially Connected

    • Helping People Manage Anxiety
    • Self-Care for Community Based Workforce
  • Attachments
    • COVID 10 Training Handout 4-30-20

Achieving Washington State's Vision of Integrated Services

Care Coordinator Links

The Department of Social and Health Services and the Health Care Authority have collaborated on the Health Home Program with federal partners since 2013, and have received strong support from individuals, local health care providers, and advocates.

Washington has targeted its demonstration to high-cost, high-risk Medicare-Medicaid enrollees based on the principle that focusing intensive care coordination on those with the greatest needs provides the greatest potential for improved health outcomes and cost savings. The positive outcomes achieved by a previous State Chronic Care Management Program led Washington to adopt a comparable model, organized on the principles of patient activation and engagement. In the course of integrating care for enrollees across multiple delivery systems, Health Home Care Coordinators are charged with engaging enrollees to set health action goals and increase self-management skills to achieve optimal physical and cognitive health.

All Care Coordinators receive intensive training on how to develop the Health Action Plan and the six Health Home services. Health Home seek to address complex health issues by offering:

  • comprehensive care management;
  • care coordination;
  • health promotion;
  • comprehensive transitional care and follow-up;
  • individual and family support; and
  • referrals for community and social services support.

Care Coordinators work to reduce gaps in services and increase coordination of all service providers including medical, behavioral health, long-term services and supports, and other social services.

Dialectical behavioral therapy pdf

The goal of the Health Home Program is to improve coordination of care, quality, and to increase an individual’s participation in their own care. Care Coordinators do not duplicate or replace services that individuals are receiving. Participation in the Health Home Program is voluntary and will not change or replace any services and supports the individual is receiving; it is simply an added benefit.

In addition, Washington has been participating in the CMS Medicare-Medicaid Financial Alignment “Demonstration” for individuals who receive both Medicaid and Medicare benefits (commonly referred to as dual eligible). Participation in the Demonstration has been a unique opportunity for the state to receive performance payments from CMS based on achieving statistically significant savings and meeting or exceeding quality requirements.

Under the Demonstration, the state may ultimately share up to half of the gross Medicare Parts A & B savings after final analysis of Medicare and Medicaid data for both years is complete. In the first year of the Demonstration, HCA received a preliminary payment from CMS of $11.6 million. For the second year, the state received a $10.7 million preliminary payment.

Duals Financial Alignment Demonstration Activity


Memorandum of Understanding with CMS


State Plan Amendment Approval


Final CMS Agreement


Extension of Demonstration through 2018


Phase One Implementation


Phase Two Implementation


Received Year One shared savings

June 2016

Phase Three Implementation (statewide)


Received Year Two shared savings

June 2017

Extension of Demonstration through 2020


For more information about the Health Home Program

  • Kelli Emans, Integration Manager, 360-725-3213 or kelli.emans@dshs.wa.gov

Live 'Remote' Instructor-led Training Options

We are building an exceptional online training experience for mental health professionals. Our brand new programs and courses will take you step-by-step to the doorway of full certification in DBT.

Meet your trainers of this brand new online program

Tony DuBose
Andre Ivanoff
Randy Wolbert
Jennifer Sayrs
Vibh Forsythe

DBT Foundational

An online course for clinicians who are joining an existing DBT team of mental health practitioners.

Available now

DBT Intensive

An online program for existing teams of mental health professionals wanting to practice DBT.

Available now

DBT Intensive Plus

An online program designed for individual mental health professionals that are not part of a clinical team.

Available now


What Is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

An immersive 6 week online learning experience for mental health professionals.

Home Work Commitmentdialectical Behavioral Training Courses

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