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This Is What Democracy Looks Like: Ms. Winter 2021 Issue Ushers in New Era in Gender Equality

The latest issue of Ms. celebrates and explores the transformational shift to a new era of gender equality, with feminist women holding some of the most consequential levers of power.

For the first time in U.S. history, the presidential Cabinet appointments will reach gender parity; the House of Representatives is led by a feminist woman speaker, and feminists chair some of the most powerful committees, including the Appropriations and the Oversight and Reform committees; and Kamala Harris will be the first woman and first Black and South Asian to be vice president.

Here’s a glimpse at what you’ll find inside the upcoming Winter issue.

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20. Meet the New Feminists in Congress (with Jennifer Steinhauer + Rep-Elects Carolyn Bourdeaux, Teresa Leger Fernandez and Marie Newman)

On today’s show, we planned to introduce listeners to the new feminists in Congress—and we do. But, in the period since our team at Ms. curated the design and content of this episode, another shoe has dropped in American politics: the insurrection.

We examine what the Jan. 6 riot and insurrection at the U.S. Capitol signify for our nation, including what we can learn from it. Why did it happen? Will the president be impeached? And what does this atmosphere mean for the new feminists in Congress?


These States are Trying to Take Away Trans Rights in 2021



Argentina Legalized Abortion Until 14 Weeks—and We Have Feminist Organizers to Thank

Feminist Daily Newswire

Highlights from the Current Issue:

“At This History-Making Moment, We Are Hopeful”: Feminist Lawmakers and Advocates React to the Biden-Harris Agenda for Women

On the eve of the January 20 inauguration, Ms. spoke with feminists about their hopes for the Biden-Harris administration.

Feminist lawmakers and activists are optimistic that the Biden-Harris administration will follow through on their promises to improve women’s lives and bring strong action for gender justice and racial equality.

If you have a query about the Asia Region FundsPassport, please contact the relevant domestic agency (see below).

If you have a media enquiry, please email the Chair ofthe Joint Committee, currently the Financial Markets Authority of New Zealand (FMA),at, andspecify that your enquiry is a media enquiry relating to the Asia Region FundsPassport.

The Asia Region Funds Passport website is administeredby the FMA. For feedback about thewebsite or any other administrative matters please email the FMA, at, and specify thatyour enquiry is an administrative enquiry relating to the Asia Region FundsPassport.

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Australia: The Australian Treasury is the lead agency in Australia responsible for the development of the passport in collaboration with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and assisted by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

For further information please contact:


Mr. Charles Brukner
Manager, Consumer and Corporations Policy Division
The Treasury
Ph: +61 2 6263 2111

New Zealand: The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment is leading New Zealand’s involvement in the passport in close cooperation with the Financial Markets Authority (FMA).

For further information please email the FMA at and specify that your enquiry relates to the Asia Region Funds Passport.

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Republic of Korea: The Financial Services Commission and the Financial Supervisory Service are the agencies responsible for matters relating to the passport in Korea.

Mr Jheenong Kim
Director, Asset Management Division
Financial Services Commission
Ph: +822 2156 9890
Mr Gilyong Kang
Director, International Monetary System Division
Ministry of Strategy and Finance
Ph: +82 44 215 8730

Singapore: The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is the agency responsible for matters relating to the passport in Singapore.

For further information please contact:

Ms Elean Chin
Deputy Director & Head
(Asset Management and Insurance Division)
Financial Markets Development Department
Monetary Authority of Singapore
Ph: +65 6229 9144

Thailand: The Securities and Exchange Commission is responsible for the development of the passport in Thailand.

For further information please contact:

Ms Nichaya Kosolwongse
Corporate Finance – Debt and Other Products Department
Securities and Exchange Commission
Ph: +66 2 263 6221

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The Philippines: The Securities and Exchange Commission is responsible for the development of the passport in the Philippines.

For further information please contact:

Commissioner Manual Gaite
Securities and Exchange Commission
Ph: + 63 2 584 8142

Japan: The Financial Services Agency is responsible for the development of the passport in Japan.

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For further information please contact:

Mr Tai Terada
Financial Services Agency
Ph: +81 3 3506 6039

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