Case Digestssophia Legis

  1. Case Digestssophia Legislative
  2. Case Digestssophia Legislation

This guide is intended to be a quick reference to selected content from your Basic Legal Research coursepack, to assist you in course content review and completing your assignments.

Important things to remember when using this guide:

  • This guide is not intended to replace your coursepack, which contains additional information essential to your success in this course.
  • Not all information in your coursepack is in this guide. In particular, some online legal services contain proprietary information which cannot be displayed on this Libguide. For more information on how to use the online legal services effectively, see your Basic Legal Research coursepack and/or your course's Blackboard page.
  • Some information may not be presented in the exact same order as it is in your coursepack.

Specific course information and assignments can be accessed through your course's Blackboard page.

  • Cumulative Listing of Current Court Case Decisions Published As Social Security Rulings (1960-2005) Adams v. Bowen (disability-statutory blindness provision), 90-5c. Richardson (duration of inability to engage in substantial gainful activity), 73-7c.
  • Cumulative Listing of Current Court Case Decisions Published As Social Security Rulings (1960-2005) Adams v. Bowen (disability-statutory blindness provision), 90-5c. Richardson (duration of inability to engage in substantial gainful activity), 73-7c. Celebrezze (coverage, employee of political subdivision), 63-51c.

Cases (sometimes also referred to as 'Episodes') are the mission structures of Criminal Case. 1 Overview 2 Cases in Grimsborough (Season 1) 2.1 Industrial Area 2.2 Financial Center 2.3 Historical Center 2.4 University 2.5 Maple Heights 2.6 Airport 3 Cases in Pacific Bay (Season 2) 3.1 Ocean Shore 3.2 Bayou Bleu 3.3 Inner City 3.4 Jazz Town 3.5 White Peaks 3.6 Ivywood Hills 3.7 Rhine Canyon 3.8. Video Case Review: Pacemaker Generator Replacement in a Patient with COVID-19. ACC.20/WCC: Vein of Marshall Ethanol Infusion for Persistent Atrial Fibrillation - The Venus Trial. ACC.20/WCC: Use of Clinic Management Software to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Care Pathways for. Cases Disability. Cases Educational Opportunities. Cases Employment Litigation. Cases Federal Coordination and Compliance. Agreements and Resolutions Housing and Civil Enforcement. Cases Immigrant and Employee Rights. Cases Special Litigation. Section 5 Objection Letters.


The content in this guide is derived from the work of Professor Therese Clarke Arado, who has written and updated the print Basic Legal Research coursepacks for each semester for many years.

A legal case is in a general sense a dispute between opposing parties which may be resolved by a court, or by some equivalent legal process. A legal case is typically based on either civil or criminal law. In most legal cases there are one or more accusers and one or more defendants. In some instances, a legal case may occur between parties that are not in opposition, but require a legal ruling to formally establish some legal fact, such as a divorce.

Civil case[edit]


A civil case, more commonly known as a lawsuit or controversy, begins when a plaintifffiles most a document called a complaint with a court, informing the court of the wrong that the plaintiff has allegedly suffered because of the defendant, and requesting a remedy. The remedy sought may be money, an injunction, which requires the defendant to perform or refrain from performing some action, or a declaratory judgment, which determines that the plaintiff has certain legal rights. The remedy will be prescribed by the court if the plaintiff wins the case. A civil case can also be arbitrated through arbitration, which may result in a faster settlement, with lower costs, than could be obtained by going through a trial.

The plaintiff must make a genuine effort to inform the defendant of the case through service of process, by which the plaintiff delivers to the defendant the same documents that the plaintiff filed with the court.

At any point during the case, the parties can agree to a settlement, which will end the case, although in some circumstances, such as in class actions, a settlement requires court approval in order to be binding.

Family case[edit]

Cases involving separation including asset division, support (a.k.a. maintenance or alimony), and matters related to children are handled differently in different jurisdictions. Often, the court's procedure for dealing with family cases is very similar to that of a civil case (it requires service and disclosure, and will issue judgments).

Divorce and separation from a spouse is one of the most stressful situations, as rated by the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale, and so family proceedings are increasingly being 'divorced' from the often very formal and impersonal process of civil proceedings, and given special treatment.

Criminal case[edit]

Canadian criminal cases

A criminal case, in common law jurisdictions, begins when a person suspected of a crime is indicted by a grand jury or otherwise charged with the offense by a government official called a prosecutor or district attorney.

A criminal case may in some jurisdictions be settled before a trial through a plea bargain. Typically, in a plea bargain, the defendant agrees to plead guilty to a lesser charge than that which was originally brought by the grand jury or prosecutor. A defendant who goes to trial risks greater penalties than would normally be imposed through a plea bargain.

Common elements[edit]

Legal cases, whether criminal or civil, are premised on the idea that a dispute will be fairly resolved when a legal procedure exists by which the dispute can be brought to a factfinder not otherwise involved in the case, who can evaluate evidence to determine the truth with respect to claims of guilt, innocence, liability, or lack of fault. Details of the procedure may depend on both the kind of case and the kind of system in which the case is brought – whether, for example, it is an inquisitorial system or a solo

Designation and citation[edit]

In most systems, the governing body responsible for overseeing the courts assigns a unique number/letter combination or similar designation to each case in order to track the various disputes that are or have been before it.[citation needed] The outcome of the case is recorded, and can later be reviewed by obtaining a copy of the documents associated with the designation previously assigned to the case.

However, it is often more convenient to refer to cases – particularly landmark and other notable cases – by a title of the form Claimant v Defendant (e.g. Arkell v Pressdram). Where a legal proceeding does not have formally designated adverse parties, a form such as In re, Re or In the matter of is used (e.g. In re Gault).[1] The 'v' separating the parties is an abbreviation of the Latin versus, but, when spoken in Commonwealth countries, it is normally rendered as 'and' or 'against' (as in, for example, Charles Dickens' Jarndyce and Jarndyce). Where it is considered necessary to protect the anonymity of a natural person, some cases may have one or both parties replaced by a standard pseudonym (Jane Roe in Roe v. Wade) or by an initial (D v D). In titles such as R v Adams, however, the initial 'R' is usually an abbreviation for the Latin Rex or Regina, i.e. for the Crown. (For an explanation of other terms that may appear in case titles, see the Glossary of legal terms.)

See also[edit]

Case Digestssophia Legislative


  1. ^The Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (4 ed.). Hart Publishers. 2012. ISBN978-1849463676.

Case Digestssophia Legislation

External links[edit]

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